The rhino is certainly one of the most endangered large mammals in Southern Africa and it is definitely threatened with extinction and yet the very people who should be saving it i.e. CITES and our nature conservation authorities are helping instead to push it to extinction.
The Rhino (uniquely amongst our large animals) grows its horn again if it is cut off, in other words you can cut it off with no ill effects to the Rhino and in two or three years time you can cut it off again. The Rhino lives for up to 40 years so why would you want to kill it at any stage during that 40 years but most Rhino in this country are killed long before they even reach the half way mark.
It is a fact that anyone who wants a permit to take a Rhino horn out of this country must kill the Rhino first. The only exception is if you export the live rhino with its horn intact. Either way this country loses a rhino which we can simply not afford as it is one of our most valuable natural resources. It has now been proven that when nature conservation stopped issuing permits to Vietnamese, poaching rocketed. Yet we have so much horn in state coffers and being carried on live rhinos in the private sector all of which could be used to reduce poaching without harm to the rhino!
It is a fact that the majority of rhino hunters in this country are pseudo hunters and they do not want to kill the animal, they only want the horn. But our regulations (national and international) force them to kill the animal to get a permit to export the horn.
The government and CITES could dramatically immediately reduce the poaching by legalizing the trade in the Rhino horn.
It is time we did something to stop this atrocious slaughter…we need your voice!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
We have voiced our pleas to change legislation regarding trade in rhino horn, with two major motivations – 1. Supplying a demand and a market in an attempt to bring down the devastating numbers poached and, yes 2. To incentivize the rhino breeding farmer to breed with these lovely animals.
As a result, not only have the farmers and the vets been legally prosecuted and bullied on technicalities, permits and paperwork; fined and forced to pay thousands of rands for permits and licenses been excluded from government ‘public’ rhino summits - where important decisions are made on our rhino’s future - but now the only incentive left to the breeding farmers has also been revoked – NO MORE LIVE EXPORTING OF RHINO.
A live 2-2,5 year old rhino could be sold from the farmer to an exporter for roughly R150,000 to R180,000 (local buyers aren’t prepared to pay more than R120,000). This was a sustainable income to build and finance breeding projects and thereby provide a business opportunity and incentive for the existing and up-and-coming rhino breeding farmers. Breeding farmers are an important key in the longevity of our rhino in increasing the numbers, as elaborated in previous blogs.
Thus the breeding farmer cannot sell the rhino horn (regardless if the animal died or if the horn was harvested from a live rhino) or sell the live progeny! And therefore the only possible means left to earn currency for the rhino breeding farmers is hunting, KILLING our rhino regardless if it is a male or female!
For the non-conservation rhino farmers this is not necessarily a loss, for a hunted rhino (Bull or Cow) is measured by the size of its horn and for an average 4 year old rhino (purchased at R120,000 at 2 years old) can easily be hunted for approximately R300,000. This proves to be a lot more profitable and possible than breeding, and we are losing important numbers in our rhino community.
So again, instead of joining hands in conservation and agriculture, the conservationists are calling halt to all possible means for non-killing agricultural survival and so making it almost impossible to breed with rhino, legally that is.
The farmers are left with their backs against the wall, so either they hunt them and survive or they become corrupt?
Again our questions persist – should we not join hands as conservationists and farmers and make this a venture that results in a win-win situation of having rhino for our grandchildren and sustainable farmers to breed and ensure this longevity of our precious species!
“Did you know these rhino facts?”
- • Rhino are endangered and nearing extinction due to relentless hunting and poaching
- • Rhino populations have declined by 90 percent since 1970
- • Rhino are classified in 5 species all of which are endangered. We have two species in Africa – the Black rhino and White rhino
- • Rhino horn is not a true horn and is made of thickly matted hair
- • Rhino horn can be removed from the rhino with no ill effect to the animal if done professionally
- • Rhino horn regrows to a substantial length with in four years
- • Rhino horn can only be exported as a hunting (killed rhino) trophy
- • Rhino horn stock piles exist that could be sold to support conservation
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